Psychology Program Overview
Are you naturally curious about the human mind? As a psychology major you will develop a foundational understanding of the theories, principles, methodologies, research findings and applications of psychology. You’ll also closely collaborate with faculty in extensive research projects leading to opportunities to be published in peer-reviewed journals and presentations at regional, national and international conferences.

Learning Experiences
Students in the Psychology program frequently assist with faculty research. One example is professor Mitchell Metzger’s memory performance research, where six psychology students tested more than 200 other AU students in the cognitive psychology lab. They used spatial information to bolster memory performance. The results were then published in the Journal of Cognitive Psychology.
Another example is the grant-funded international research Associate Professor Chris Chartier is conducting. Chartier’s Psychological Science Accelerator will play a critical role in achieving more diverse samples of data for these international studies to provide reliable answers to big questions.

The Psychology major can be completed in three or four years. Some of the courses in this major include:
- General Psychology
- Neuropsychology
- Developmental Psychology
- Abnormal Psychology
- Research Methods
- Advanced Research or Internship
- Senior Seminar in Psychology
Learn more about the Psychology curriculum by viewing these resources:
Dean's Scholarship
The Dean's Scholarship was created to enhance the undergraduate academic experience for new first-time and transfer students enrolled in a major within the College of Arts & Sciences. It is a merit-based, renewable scholarship of $1,500 that can be "stacked" on top of other awarded AU academic scholarships. In addition, students have the opportunity to participate in unique academic communities with a focus on career coaching and preparation.
Graduate Outcomes
Recent graduates of our Psychology program have pursued careers in:
- Clinical mental health counseling
- Industrial/organizational psychology
- Marriage and family therapy
- Occupational therapy
- Clinical psychology
- Higher education administration
- Forensic psychology
- School psychology
- Law
- Speech and language pathology

Psychology Minor
AU offers a Psychology minor that complements many other majors. You'll study behavior and mental processes, learning intellectual and social skills that are essential for achievement in the work world. Simply complete the three-hour PSYC 101 General Psychology I course, followed by 15 hours of any other psychology courses you choose.