About Recreational Sports at AU
The Ashland University Department of Recreation and Wellness offers such a wide range of recreational sports and leisure activities that you’re sure to find a game or activity you can enjoy. So, don’t let a lack of ability or familiarity with the rules of a game prevent you from checking out our recreational sports programs! We’ve got a variety of Intramural sports and sports clubs to choose from.

Intramural Sports
We provide the Ashland University community with a variety of organized recreational sports and activities in a safe environment so participants have the opportunity to enhance their physical fitness, build social networks, practice good sportsmanship and enjoy their time outside the classroom.
Getting involved is easy. Go to www.imleagues.com and create an account. Then register for the intramural sport you’re interested in by the deadline specified. Alternatively, organize your friends and teammates by becoming a team captain or part of the student staff. The Intramural Sports program employs more than 15 officials each year and employees may work their way up to leadership positions, such as rec sports manager.
If you would like more information or help signing up, stop by the customer service desk or the Rec Center main office.
- 3v3 Basketball
- Fall Fest Cornhole
- Flag Football
- Floor Hockey
- Homecoming Battleship Tournament
- Holiday Volleyball Tournament
- Powderpuff Flag Football
- Sand Volleyball
- Spikeball
- Indoor Volleyball
- 2-Ball Soccer
- Mario Kart
- 5v5 Basketball
- Wallyball
- Dodgeball
- March Madness Bracket Challenge
- Pickleball
- Flag Football
- Crate Stacking
- Yard Game Olympics
- Wiffleball
- Capture the Flag
Sports Clubs
Sports clubs give students the opportunity to play at a competitive level outside of varsity athletics. These clubs are student-led, student-run organizations that typically compete with other university or town-sponsored sport clubs or teams and travel to different events/games throughout the year. In general, sport clubs offer more organized competition than intramural sports. They may even involve playoffs at the conclusion of the season. However, the level of competition varies from club to club, with some clubs existing purely for recreation.
Currently, Ashland University offers these 23 men's, women's and co-ed sport clubs.
For more information on individual clubs or for answers to specific questions, reach out to the club president using the email address provided for each sport.
- Golf: coed-golf@record-room.com
- Jiu Jitsu: jiujitsu@record-room.com
- Pickleball: clubpickleball@record-room.com
- Rock Climbing: climbing-club@record-room.com
- Running: running-club@record-room.com
- Snow Sports: snowsports@record-room.com
- Badminton*
- Powerlifting*
- Quidditch*
- Swimming & Diving*
- Tennis*
* indicates inactive club
- Soccer: wsoccer@record-room.com
- Softball: clubsoftball@record-room.com
- Volleyball: clubvb@record-room.com
- Basketball*
- Lacrosse*
- Rugby*
- Wrestling*
* indicates inactive club
- Baseball: clubbaseball@record-room.com
- Basketball: mbball@record-room.com
- Soccer: msoccer@record-room.com
- Volleyball: clubmvb@record-room.com
- Lacrosse*
- Rugby*
* indicates inactive club